Finally, the day had come, we were off to Disneyland Paris! We all set our alarms bright and early, and if you saw Nataly's Instagram story, you would know how gently and softly she woke some of us up... Just kidding, there was a lot of screaming, high-pitched 'IT'S DISNEY DAY' and various movie soundtracks playing like the cool, calm and collected grown-ups we are


Hi everyone! Long time no write (not a thing?). Not going to lie, nothing really felt as great or worth writing about as being engaged did so I've held off from blogging for a little while after the last post. But I'm back! And coming at you with a super fun post that I've been excited to write since we even planned this trip a couple months ago. If the title hadn't given it away already, me and a few of my best girls hopped on a train to the city of love and Disneyland for a few days of fun, food and friends...